Late Nights at the Content Factory
It’s been too long since I’ve created
Something beautiful.
Money can buy your freedom,
But it can’t buy you satisfaction.
I am not satisfied.
I do not rhyme.
I clink klack, click klack
Across content feeds of starving malcontents
Disappearing into Google’s fourth page of search results.
Because I need a pay check,
And they want higher traffic percents.
Somedays as I sit at a stop-light
I imagine singing and strumming
And making a music I can admire.
But, twenty-somethings tend not to retire.
We burn-out.
My heart wants to live within mountains
Not the smoke of rolling hills
That fail to lift themselves up to the sky
And barely even pay the bills.
I want to feel my whole body stretch and pull.
Pull into myself all the breathe and life I want.
I want to exhale flowers.
Flowers that will bloom into the better world I was promised I could help make.
Can I still make something beautiful?