Everything is Broken and Nothing Works: Updates at Times

Category: id (page 1 of 2)

The Sky Reflects the Ocean

Within each of us is a world. It is not
the world, but it is our world. Our own alone.
And the world is not complete without an ocean
flowing up and out and over all the
edifices of our life’s history that we have watched
rise out of the choices we didn’t realize we had made.

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Social Security

When I imagine retirement,
I imagine lying in a pod,
eyes closed, atrophied,
plugged into a machine
that fires the electricity of the latest Star Wars
across what’s left of my demented psyche.

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Felt Cute. Might Delete Later.

My arm is wiggling again.

There is a man across the year.
He builds and repairs a house, but no one ever lives in it.
I want to live in a time, in a place, in a tree root.
Slurping up tapeworms and drinking solids.
Swallowing every slimy thing whole that slides across my tongue
and into my contentment.

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Romans 7:15 (NIV)

Every day, I scatter myself across the feelings of the hundreds
That line my feed, story, and favorite websites.
I sink into their lives and their frustration and their joy.
I dwell between hot deals and breaking news.
And I scroll.
And scroll.
And scroll.
And scroll.

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