Welcome to My Website

I want to write more and share what I write. I originally had grand plans for this website, and posting every week, and making podcast, and growing social media, and…

Now, I want to write more and share what I write. The title, “Beyond Surrealism,” was a response to the chaotic and illogical world we have found in ourselves in.

Over the past several years, I’ve gotten through the second draft of a sci-fi novel inspired by wishing Star Wars would do something interesting. I got 60% through an autobiographical poetry collect. My wife and I experimented with having our own little podcast during lockdown, Everything is Broken and Nothing Works.

While my creative projects have floundered, I’ve switched careers from marketing to public history, been diagnosed with Inattentive ADHD, and done my best to try and maintain the other aspects of my life.

I’ve liked to think of myself as a writer, poet, and thinking for over half my life now. I fear I might not be particularly great at any of those three things and that the energy I put into creating will meet only chirping crickets celebrating my mediocrity. Would I like to sell my books and poems, be featured in other publications, read to live audiences, have a touch of the spotlight, and maybe even make a little money?

Of course. I can’t imagine not wanting those things. But, my energy is low, my days are short, and my attention is always wandering.

So now, I want to write more and share what I write. I intend to be more active on Instagram, but the grand schemes are paused. Everything I posted here before 2025 has been tossed into the Archive section, and I’m starting fresh. If larger projects come to fruition, I’ll share details on this page.

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