Are you enjoying the site? Would you like to make it more successful? Or maybe you’d like a behind the scenes look at the creative details and my personal life?

Right now there’s two ways you can help support both me and Beyond Surrealism! And with your love and support, I could make creating for you all my full time job!

1. Share, Share, Share!

Every time you enjoy an article, poem, video, story, whatever, share it with others! (Sorry for all the exclamation points. I just get excited.)

Every new audience member is huge for me, so you sharing stuff you like from me on social media, or inviting a friend to check it out is amazing!

2. Sign up for the newsletter

I want to keep you in the loop about everything I’m posting and doing. Twice a month I’ll send out an email to everyone on the list. Both times I’ll share everything I’ve posted in the past two weeks (just in case you missed something), and for one of them I’ll share about what’s going on in life, how Beyond Surrealism is doing, what themes and ideas I’ve been grappling with recently, and anything super cool I’ve recently discovered!

I might even slip in some special content links from time to time exclusively for newsletter subscribers. Hypothetically, even the welcome email could have something cool and special.


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